If you want to know more about what it means to be a libertarian, I can warmly recommend Lars Tvedes latest book «The Goose with the Golden Eggs».
what we learned from starting 30 enterprises
Of all the things I have done in my life, entrepreneurship has provided the most fun (and occasionally the most agony).
The book is called «Iværksætter – hvad vi lærte af at starte 30 firmaer», which translated to «entrepreneur – what we learned from starting 30 enterprises». It was co-written with my friend and serial entrepreneur Mads Faurholt Jorgensen, who is MIT graduate and ex. McKinsey, Groupon and Rocket Internet. The book explains in the simplest possible language how you start, build and potentially exit growth companies.
This includes everything from maximizing personal productivity to negotiation and sales tactics, presentation and PR skills, building and managing teams in volatile environments, choose end evolving product and marketing strategies, raising capital and doing exits, etc.
Covers and other Editions
This book has been published in international markets in several other languages and editions.